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July 2022 – Summer Newsletter

Hello CCites, members, and friends,

It’s Summertime! Welcome to our Summer ’22 Edition!

Editor’s Note

The Third Time’s The Charm!

Hello everyone! Wherever you are, I hope you are safe, happy and enjoying the summer with your loved ones. Thanks for stopping by to read the third edition of our CCAA-TO newsletter. Indeed, the third time’s the charm. 

I’m happy to report that we continue to find creative ways to have fun, raise funds and touch the lives of the students at our alma mater Clarendon College.

Let me get you up to speed on what’s been happening in the background since our last publication in December. For one, we’ve decided on publishing this newsletter semi-annually, so you can rest assured that we’ll deliver insightful and exciting content for you to read in the Summer and during the Christmas holidays.

As many of you will recall, we kicked off 2022 with CC’s Founder’s Day + 80th Anniversary events. And boy, was this a joy! A few of our members were instrumental in the planning and execution of the February 2 Founder’s Day celebrations. The event was a resounding success and we were happy to connect and share a sense of community with everyone.

We’re thrilled that Mrs. Letna Allen-Rowe, our Treasurer, travelled to Jamaica to personally hand over the funds for the C.L. Stuart Award – a yearly award given by our Chapter. We take pride in sponsoring the C.L. Stuart Award as we get to recommend some of our brightest students. Again, it’s your unwavering support which enables us to have these treasured moments. 

Our Association also hosted a virtual Post-Founder’s Day Linkup and we had a blast! CC Past students from across Canada, the US, and Jamaica attended and we revelled in nostalgia as we connected through music, poetry, auctions, and gimmicks. We laughed, shared our talents and at the end of the night we raised well-needed funds which will go towards our projects this year.

We got up to some springtime fun with our annual Spring Walkathon! Thanks to all those who participated and donated. The funds will go towards our main project this year which is the refurbishment of the main boys’ bathroom at CC. Our Association refurbished the girls’ bathroom a few years ago and we feel it is only fair to remodel the gents’ bathroom. We know it will inspire our boys and more importantly, it will put the rest back in their restroom (if you know what I mean). We plan to go hard to raise funds for this project and put all our energy behind it for the rest of the year. As usual we’ll need your support to like and share the content when we post it on our official social media pages. The more eyes we get, the greater our potential to raise these vital funds.

Be sure to grab a copy of the book Clarendon College Who’s Who – Outstanding Past Students by our CC past student and PSA stalwart, Dr. Hyacinth Broderick-Scott. The book highlights notable CC past students blazing a trail in their corner of the world. Mrs. Letna and I, and our member Fiona Bassier are featured in the book. Proceeds from purchases will be used to uplift CC and that doubles the reasons to donate and show some love.

I’d be remiss not to mention the graduating class of 2022! Congratulations on reaching this milestone! All the very best!

As you scroll through the pages of this edition, we hope you’ll enjoy seeing all the fun things we’ve been up to. Thanks for your continued support, without your loyalty we’d never be able to touch the number of lives we have.

The fun continues so let’s keep the fire ablaze! Let’s Go CC! 

Please send us your feedback and comments on the newsletter to ccalumni.to@gmail.com, we’d be happy to hear from you.

Kimesha Walters

President, CCAA, Toronto Chapter

Editor, CCAA Newsletter

Stay Tuned for our biggest Fundraiser Yet!

We’re planning something BIG and we can’t wait to tell you more! Stay tuned for the launch of our 2022/2023 project to refurbish the 5th form boys washroom!

This campaign will a legacy project that will not only benefit the current male students at CC, but many more to come, and we can only have a successful campaign with your help.

Keep your eyes peeled for details!

CC is 80! Founder’s Day 2022 Highlights

Clarendon College celebrated its 80th anniversary on February 2 but it feels like we’re just getting started. CC has been a beacon of hope in the hills of Chapelton, celebrating resilience, educating generations of Jamaicans, and keeping the flame of Rev. Lester Davy alive. 
Our President, Kimesha, represented us well in the Founder’s Day event which was also streamed live. In case you missed it, we have the full video for you! Catch our President as she caps off a beautiful presentation by Dr. Hyacinth Broderick-Scott, and the other Alumni and Past Student Association Presidents.

(See our President’s video at  26:57min timeline)

CCAA Post-Founders Day Linkup

We chilled, we had fun, and we raved throughout the night. Well.. not the entire night, but for the duration of our Post-Founders Day Linkup. Nearly 30 past students from across Canada, the US, and Jamaica joined in our celebration, and made it a huge success as we joked, shared laughter, and raised over $1,500 in the process. If you didn’t make it to this one, you missed out on a whole lot! 

Thank you to everyone who supported this event, and send a special thanks to our members Sharon Rose Barnett, and Valrie Grossett who donated the beautiful paintings that we auctioned.

Spring Walkathon

Low Turnout, High Spirits!

Herma, Jotham and Alicia

Our surprise donor 

Our Treasurer, Ms. Letna Allen-Rowe (left) who is recovering from knee surgery was adamant she would do her portion for the walkathon. And that she did! She walked at home with assistance from our VP, Jotham and his wife Lynella.

Our spring walkathon saw a lower turnout than usual due to changes in schedules and last minute emergency plans, but that didn’t mean that our members were out of the game. We saw donations come in from across the country and we’re excited to add whatever we can  to our fundraising goals for this year! 

We have to say a special kudos to Herma, Alicia and Jotham who stuck to the plan and walked at the Port Union Waterfront Park on Saturday, May 28. It turned out to be a wonderful experience for the trio who learned a bit more about each other in our life’s journey since their time at CC.  

Here’s a reflection from VP, Jotham:
As we started on our walk greeting a few strollers, one biker paused and asked what’s going on with these special T-shirts. After explaining the strife to uplift the condition of the facilities and learning environment for the students of Clarendon College, we were reminded that we are not alone in this. He paused saying “wait let me make a contribution, I believe I have about $150 here” reached into his pouch and literally pulled all the cash he had and gave it to us. The weather was perfect for the walk and this was icing on the cake. The actual amount he gave was $195 as well as his contact information. 
Our surprise donor is Hanif Jamal, an investor/silent partner in Starfish Caribbean Market on Weston Rd. (North of Lawrence Ave). I suggest we reciprocate and support his business whenever possible. He would love to support us in future endeavors and know more about our Association.

New Book Alert!
Clarendon College Who’s Who – Outstanding Past Students.

The Clarendon College Past Students Association – Atlanta Chapter is celebrating the 80th Anniversary of Clarendon College with the exciting launch of “Clarendon College Who’s Who – Outstanding Past Students” written by Dr. Hyacinth Broderick-Scott.

This one-of-a-kind keepsake costs US $78.00 and proceeds from the book sale will be used to provide scholarships for students in need.

Three of our Toronto Chapter members are featured: our President, Kimesha; our Treasurer. Ms. Letna, and our member Fiona Bassier.

You can order your copy by contacting our President, Kimesha or Treasurer, Ms. Letna. You have the option of making a payment in US dollars, from Canada, Jamaica, or anywhere, using an international credit card or bank card which will allow you to do so, via the Atlanta Chapter’s updated, Secured Payment PortalAs you complete the payment process, please write “Who’s Who Book” in the Description section. This will make it easy for the Atlanta Chapter to recognize the deposit. 

For Zelle (US Only) – Please contact Dr. Broderick Scott at 954-292-3816. If you wish to pay via CASHAPP (only in the US) please use $ClarendonCollegePSA and make a note – “Who’s Who Book”.

Order your copy today, or purchase it as a gift to a former or current past student.
Support the cause!

A Walk Down Memory Lane
Acknowledging our CCAA-TO Founders

Stephanie Mills-Lanoue (left) and Loris Mills are the Founders of our CCAA-TO chapter.

Toronto, Canada is a long way and a far cry from the hills of Chapleton, and Clarendon College (CC) but distance was not a factor when two sisters, Loris Mills and Stephanie Mills-Lanoue decided to honour our alma mater and build on the legacy of CC founder, Rev. Lester Davy when they migrated from Jamaica.

The two sisters directed a series of annual gatherings of other CC past students from 1977 to 1980 which served as the genesis of the Clarendon College Alumni Association, Toronto Chapter (CCAA-TO) as it is known today.

An interesting parallel can be drawn between the founding of Clarendon College itself and the founding of our Association. Both were formed by individuals with a shared vision for the future that has blossomed and been fruitful many times over. When the Association was made official in 1980, the aim of the founders was to create an organization to develop in future generations a pride in their CC heritage.

With a focus on philanthropy and volunteerism, the movement grew from a small gathering of people meeting in person once-a-year to a group of dozens of past students and teachers coming together monthly both online and in-person. Together the group continues to share in and execute activities that support the development of both CC itself and the members across Canada. To date, Loris and Stephanie are still active members of the organization, and both sisters give generously of their time and resources to add value to our Association.

The Association has, through regular events that foster a feeling of community among its members, accomplished exactly what its founders set out to achieve. When asked what she thought about the current state of our Association, Loris Mills says, “I think our Chapter has done and continues to do a very good job in financial and other contribution to CC.” She adds, “Under the present leadership I see a dedicated team with progressive ideas. The group is on the right track. If this continues, I see a positive and successful future.”

Chapelton – A Town Rich in History
by Herma Killingbeck

Chapelton, Clarendon

The forgotten capital. A sleepy town.  A ghost town.  Those are some of the ways that Chapelton has been described in recent years.  As a child growing up in the 60s and 70s, I knew it didn’t have the hustle and bustle of Kingston, but I remember a vibrancy on market day and a host of activities involving mostly school and church.   Among other things, people would come from neighbouring towns to go to the market or shops, go to the hospital and of course attend school. The generation before me talks about the heydays of Chapelton in the 1940s and 1950s, and it being “the economic hub of the parish”.  Looking further back, Chapelton was described in the 1916 Handbook of Jamaica as being of “considerable commercial importance” and Gleaner articles of that time point to it hosting many political and cultural events for the parish.
However, Chapelton is described now, it is undisputedly rich in history, being home to at least three heritage sites – St. Paul’s Anglican Church, The Clock Tower and the Bust of Cudjoe.   Also, whether you were born and raised there or went to school in Chapelton, if you’re reading this, chances are it holds a special place in your heart.   


Congratulations to Dr. Sylvanus Thompson on being the recipient of the Black Action Defense Committee (BADC) Legend Service Award. This award was presented in recognition of loyal commitment and outstanding contributions to the Black Community in Canada and to BADC.

Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2022!

Congratulations to Doreen Ellis on graduating from the University of Guelph with a Master of Science degree in Food Safety and Quality Assurance.


It is with deep sadness that we reflect on the death of our alumnus and School Board Chairman Mr. Leslie Chung, who passed away on Monday, April 11, 2022, and our beloved former long-serving teacher Mrs. Josephine Munroe who passed away on Monday, May 30, 2022.

The late Mr. Leslie Chung

The Late Mrs. Josephine Munroe

Buy your CC-Branded Masks Today!

Drop us a line on info to buy your mask today at only CA $10 each!

Pay it Forward!

Have you paid your membership dues? Did you know that our membership dues cost only $25 for the entire year? Funds go towards keeping the CCAA up and running and help us to roll out initiatives and fundraising activities to support and give back to CC. Send us a message today to play your part in keeping our organization’s mission alive!

Copyright © *Clarendon College Alumni Association, Toronto*, All rights reserved.

Our email address is:

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